Workshop CV/Lettre de Motivation After Solvay
AfterSolvay is pleased to invite you to its first conference « How to make your resume and cover letter stand out » on October 21st at 7:00 pm on Teams 

Writing a resume and a cover letter, it could be easy. Writing a GOOD resume and cover letter that will make you stand out to hiring managers ? It is much more challenging. Our conference will not consist of presenting you a basic resume and cover letter framework. It will address the questions that YOU really ask yourself about YOUR situation 

You don’t know if you should put your grade on your resume ? You don’t have any experience and you don’t know what to put on it ? You don’t how to write a cover letter ? 

A few questions that will be answered by Sophie Vanderputten, recruitment specialist for 20 years and founder of the start-up HireRing. Do you have other questions ? Ask them when registering and we will answer them during the conference ! 

** Only for ULB students